just felt like to go out and take some photos that morning.
and a new book i bought on mother's day.

2 Love notes:

  1. Hi, nice to meet you ,your blog is so awesome and I enjoy exploring your words and photos.It seems that you like reading.Any English books recommended ?

  2. Hey thanks! I'm glad you like them! (:
    I like reading, in tumblr. haha. I start reading fiction not long ago, so I actually haven't read a lot of books yet :O
    I just finished the Da Vinci Code by dan brown. it's so popular that you might have read it as well. haha at first i thought i wouldn't read it because it just didn't sound right to me, i didn't expect myself to like it so much!
    I'm always the one who asks my friends to recommend me books most of the time! :P



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