Year 2 First Semester

November 28, 2012

First semester of year two is officially over. Next year some of them will be in fashion design, some - fashion management, while some - like me will be in fashion communication. While I'm excited about studying only fashion communication (mainly art direction, fashion photography, styling), it's a little sad to think that some of them will never be in the same class with me anymore! I must admit when I first came to LASALLE, whenever I saw the fashion students, I got intimidated, they look confident (and maybe a little arrogant hehehe), but most of the time after you know them, they're totally different from what you think. I'm glad they're all very nice people - not only talking about my classmates, but all the fashion students. Thankful for all of those who were there for me when I needed, you might not know when I needed you but your sole presence and companionship have helped me get through some hard times. Recently I know I have disappointed a friend whom trusted me, not only I disappointed her, but also myself, I know saying sorry won't help and I've read so many quotes of how trust is like a mirror, once it's broken, it'll never be the same anymore. But I've learned the lesson, and I hope over time I will prove my change. I have absolutely no desire to repeat the same mistake or disappoint anyone I care.

p/s: tonight is the last night I'm in Singapore before 2013. So ready to travel. Ciao Singapore! May everyone will be enjoying an eventful and lovely December!

2 Love notes:

  1. i'll miss you jiayiiiinnngg~ :(((

    1. I will miss you too!
      but we might still be in the same class next sem silly!
      have a happy holidayssss :))



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